Wednesday, October 24, 2007

its all about me

this was sent in by Lee Barnes...who knows a thing or two about these things.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

BBC Bristol - Thought for the Day

BBC Bristol's Thought For The Day slot is every weekday morning at 7.40am. A more substantial religious programme is Sunday Starts, every Sunday morning between 6.00 and 10.00am.

BBC Radio Bristol is looking for some new people to contribute to its Thought For The Day slot at the aforementioned time. They need people with something to say from all faiths and none. As it says on the tin, talk needs to be thought provoking (1.5 minutes or 270 words) and contributors need to be confident communicators.

This is a gig for love, not money - as they simply give a £5 allowance towards petrol. However, if you're bright, want to challenge people before they start their working day and love the idea of using radio, then do get in touch. BBC Radio are particularly interested to hear from any women who like the idea.

The vital numbers are: Julia Causton / Robin Markwell 0117-974-1111 or email: Alternatively contact - Tim Pemberton 0117-974-7733 or email:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wholly Trinity on facebook

I have set up a Wholly Trinity facebook group...if you'd like to join you know how to do it.

If you haven't done so already do join us on facebook. It is a great way to keep in touch (though it is a bit weird to be facebooking people in the next office).

There are a load of pictures from the welcome weekend and the weekend away in both the Wholly Trinity group and the Trinity College group.

Monday, October 15, 2007

wholly trinity - new information issue is your pigeon hole!

Just to let you know that if you have been holding your breath for the next issue you can breath now - it's in your pigeon hole. It will also be available on-line shortly. It is a stonking issue...with some great contributions from some lovely people. We at WT HQ would love to get your feedback so please do let us know what you think.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

new trinity bloggers

welcome to two new trinity bloggers:
Jude Smith
Lee Barnes

If there is anyone out there who is blogging and would like to have a link from here then please let me know.

Saturday, October 06, 2007


If you don't know who to give your harvest offering to this year can I suggest Farm Africa. FARM-Africa is an international non-governmental organisation that aims to reduce poverty in eastern and South Africa. They work in partnership with marginal farmers and herders, helping them to manage their natural resources more effectively and build sustainable livelihoods on their land.

Ellen Loudon

Thursday, October 04, 2007

church vs football

this is for Stuart Rason et al. Love you, love your footballs!

thanks to the Cartoon Church (click on the image and it magically gets bigger!)